The Prairie Vintage Story
And so the story goes…
With much fascination to all things vintage a kindled passion arose that could not be silenced. The distant memories that each object held became visibly brazen and their stories begged to be told. As the creator of Prairie Vintage, Lenda Peters, has been conserving the stories told by these creative treasures as they once journeyed through the various lives and eras. At one time loudly regarded as a prized possession and at another lain dormant and silenced. The mission became clear, to find another who's heart awaits to be imbued with classic beauty and to fuel the inspiration from the stories being told about another place and time.
In Loving Memory…
Prairie Vintage Jewelry honours my father's sensibility and my mother’s timeless beauty. Dad’s waste-not approach applied to most everything in life and as a result we all benefited and I’ve carried that mindset throughout life. Our pieces are hand-picked at estate sales, auctions, garage sales and markets all over the country. Mom’s unique style and classic beauty remains timeless and an inspiration for my finds. Forever in our hearts and thoughts.